Monday, January 19, 2009

Break Out (8)

Rushing through the city Reiken drives. Kaylan sits in the passenger seat while Trey is ducked down in the back. They arrive at the Phaser building and head down to park in the underground basement so no one on the street can see Trey get out of the car.
They enter the building and head directly up to the 18th floor to Virge’s office. They walk in to find Virge sitting behind his desk waiting for them. The office lights are all off. The city lights shine in from the large windows lighting up the centre of the room while the corners are filled with shadows.
“Welcome boys,” Virge says. The three enter and stop in front of his desk. “Nice to see you again Trey.”
“Thank you for your help Virgil,” Reiken appreciates.
“No need to thank me… I really did not do anything.” He looks at Kaylan and nods as if you say ‘good job’. “Head to level 7, there I have set up a room where you can hide out as long as you need. There are no surveillance cameras and no one can access the room without my or Cecilia’s authority. Cecilia is down there waiting for you all. She will let you in. Rest up.”
The three nod and thank Virge one last time before leaving the room. Once the doors shut behind them a figure appears out of the shadows in the corner. It is Alia.
“Thank you Virge,” she says.
“As I said to the boys, I didn’t really do anything.” Alia smiles and walks towards the door.
“Please make sure never to let Trey or Reiken know that Kaylan works for me. Let them think he is your soldier,” she requests.
“He has been living here for the past year, though you train him. He may as well be a part of my staff.” Alia waits for Virge to give a serous response. “As you request; you had nothing to do with Trey’s break out.”
Alia smiles and walks out the door. Once she has let Virge closes his eyes and then stands. He heads out of his office and to his apartment next to his office and goes to bed. He has had a long day, though he never left his chair, he was physically and mentally exhausted.

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