Friday, December 26, 2008

Lock Down (9)

“The Intruder entered room the 14th room on the 9th basement and activated the lock system to shut the door,” Liam explains to his audience Alia and Bison. Standing in the board room next to him is Charlie with her arms crossed. “Major Jordan and I managed to enter the room before the doors were sealed. Major Jordan began shooting at it, unsuccessfully hitting it. It swooped down and tazered her, knocking her unconscious. I began blasting at it, but it managed to avoid my shots and then tazered me… That’s all I remember.”
Alia looks at Charlie. “Do you have anything to ad?”
Charlie shakes her head.
“You both were unconscious for two hours, in that time we searched the entire vicinity. The Intruder managed to escape out of the building with the Core.” Alia states. She then glares directly at Liam. “You’re getting rusty Liam. Someone infiltrated the operation and you let them get away.”
Liam snarls at Alia and changes the subject. “Let the Mayor out of the Panic room. He has engagements to attend.” He does not make eye contact to Alia as he exits the room. Alia leaves after him.
Left in the room, Charlie approaches her Lieutenant.
“Bison, I want to apologise,” she says sincerely.
“For what?” Bison asks.
“The Intruder escaped from me twice, I won’t let it happen again.”
“It doesn’t matter,” Bison reacts apathetically. Charlie looks confused at her unconcerned Leader. Bison walks out of the room as Charlie watches him leave.

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